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Hot And Cold Facial Devices
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Hot and cold facial massagers are specially designed device for treatment of the skin with the help of ultrasound. The hot and cold equipment uses a high-frequency sound wave technology to provide skin therapy.
Advance Esthetic is happy to offer you the hot cold machine for sale of the world-known and reliable brands.
How does it work?
The high quality hot and cold facial equipment combines such functions as:
- ultrasound massage
- hot therapy
- cold therapy
The skin is affected by cold and hot influence in the range from 5 to 55 degrees under Calcium.
The ultrasound waves massage the skin and clean it, allowing beauty products to penetrate even deeper. Ultrasound massagers are considered to be an effective method for treatment of couperosis. It is highly recommended for individuals with sensitive skin. The ultrasound massage:
- promotes metabolism
- eliminates the size of damages skin parts
- improves skin nourishment
- diminish swelling and dark under-eye circles
- clears out keratinized cells
The hot function opens the pores before cleansing. It also stimulates blood circulation, oxygenates skin, enhances the penetration of beauty products, makes facial muscles to relax.
The cold function is specially designed for:
- calming the skin after cleaning
- skin contracting
- normalization of sebum secretion
The skin looks fresh, clean and glowing. The hot and cold ultrasound massage has the lifting effect and improves skin elasticity.
Indications for hot and cold facial massagers
The usage of hot and cold facial massagers are recommended for individuals with fatigue and dull skin, acne, skin redness, and couperosis. These massagers are recommended to be used after aggressive types of facial cleaning or after scrubbing to reduce the skin redness and close the enlarged pores.
Contraindications for hot and cold facial massagers
As with any other spa procedure, hot and cold facial massagers have contraindications. The procedure is not recommended for individuals with tumors, blood and heart diseases, inflammations, endocrine diseases. It is also not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
How many procedures needed?
The whole course of hot and cold facial massages includes 10 procedures. The massager can become the part of the everyday facial routine at home thanks to the comfortable design and ease of use.
Hot and cold facial massager for home use
This small and portable machine is a good option for those who want to have the facial right at home. These machines have are very comfortable design and are easy in use. You can fastly understand how to use it as it has a couple of buttons. However, before starting using it, you need to read user manual attentively. Including the hot and cold ultrasound massage into your daily routine will provide you with long lasting results. Plus if you need to go somewhere, you can easily bring it with you as it won't take a lot of space.
Why Advance Esthetic?
Advance Esthetic is a company with 10-years experience in the beauty industry. We offer you more than just to buy the high quality hot and cold facial beauty device. As a company that cares about the clients, we have developed a user manual to make your work even more convenient. We also provide free training on the usage of all kind of machines.
We supply the best hot and cold massagers for sale of the leading and well-known brands in the industry. All machines have a one or two year warranty.
Be sure you’ll purchase the high-quality hot and cold beauty instrument.
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